Managing Forage and Rangeland Production Risks on Wyoming Ranches: NAP, LFP, and PRF-VI

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Wyoming ranch managers are increasingly seeking production risk management tools for harvested forage production and grass production on rangeland. Forage production and rangeland production risks can be addressed to some degree by using the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) provided by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In years when severe droughts are declared in a county, the Livestock Forage Program (LFP) provides compensation for forage production losses due to drought on rangeland.

The Risk Management Agency (RMA) offers a pilot Pasture, Rangeland, Forage-Vegetation Index (VI-PRF) insurance product in Wyoming that can be used to offset production losses on hay land production and grass production on rangeland.

Ranchers who suffer production losses in hay production and losses in grass production on rangeland can receive payments from NAP, LFP, and VI-PRF on the same forage loss without any payments offsets.

This policy issues paper provides Wyoming farmers and ranchers who suffer production losses on hay production and losses in grass production on rangeland with information on how they can receive payments from NAP, LFP, and PRF-VI. In addition, it reviews the risk management and crop insurance coverage benefits these programs provide to those who use them.

To download a copy of the issues paper from the Western Risk Management Library, click here.

To learn more about programs offered by the Farm Service Agency under the 2014 Farm Bill see: Farm Service Agency Farm Bill Information, or contact a local FSA office.

To learn more about programs offered by the Risk Management Agency under the 2014 Farm Bill see: Risk Management Agency Farm Bill – 2014, or contact a local crop insurance agent.


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