RMA Revises Dates for the Pasture, Rangeland and Forage and Apiculture Insurance Programs

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Agricultural producers now have until December 1 to make coverage decisions for PRF coverage see: RightRisk.org/news.

Agricultural producers will now have until December 1 to make coverage decisions and complete reporting activities for the Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Pilot Insurance Program (PRF) and Apiculture Pilot Insurance Program (API).

Other changes to the plans include:
* Revising the definition of “veteran farmer or rancher” to allow a legal entity, comprised only of the veteran and their spouse, to qualify as a veteran farmer or rancher when a qualifying veteran has a non-veteran spouse; and
* Allowing a producer to report acreage as certified organic, or as acreage in transition to organic, when the producer has requested an organic certification by the acreage reporting date.

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