Risk Controls

Market Risk - Production Risk - Institutional/Legal Risk - Human Risk - Financial Risk


Market Risk
 - risk associated with the uncertainty around markets and prices for inputs and outputs

1. Livestock Prices
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Colorado Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Kanasas Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Kanasas Weekly Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Kanasas Weekly Livestock Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Montana Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Montana Weekly Livestock Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Nebraska Weekly Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Nebraska Weekly Livestock Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: New Mexico Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: New Mexico Weekly Cattle Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: North Dakota Weekly Cattle Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Oklahoma Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Oklahoma Weekly Livestock Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: South Dakota Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: South Dakota Weekly Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Texas Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Texas Weekly Cattle Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Utah Weekly Cattle Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Wyoming Weekly Cattle Auction Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Wyoming-Nebraska Direct Cattle Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: National Beef Cattle Weekly Summary Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: National Feeder & Stocker Weekly Summary Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: National Sheep Weekly Summary Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:Livestock, Poultry & Grain Weekly Summary Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:ALL
- Beef Basis- provides cattle producers with information and analytics to improve marketing decisions influenced by cattle basis risk.

2. Grain Prices
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: California Daily Grain Bids (Mid-Week Snapshot)
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Colorado Daily Grain Bids
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Kansas Daily Grain Bids
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Montana Daily Grain Bids
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Nebraska Daily Grain Bids
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Oklahoma Daily Grain Bids
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Pacific Northwest Grain Market News
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: South Dakota Daily Grain Bids
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: South Dakota Eastern South Dakota Grain Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Wyoming Daily Grain Bids

3. Hay Prices
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: California Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Colorado Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Idaho Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Kansas Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Kansas Weekly Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Montana Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Nebraska Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Nebraska Weekly Summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: New Mexico Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Oklahoma Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Oregon Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: South Dakota Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Texas Direct Hay Report
- USDA AMS:Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Wyoming Direct Hay Report
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Wyoming Weekly Summary

4. Lease Rates/Grazing Fees
- USDA AMS: Wyoming, West Nebraska and SW Dakota Grazing Fee Report
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Cash Rents by State [COUNTY-LEVEL data available via QUICKSTATS]

5. Price Protection (Insurance)
- USDA Risk Management Agency: Livestock Insurance, background information
- USDA Risk Management Agency: Livestock Reports, LRP and LGM
- USDA Risk Management Agency: Crop Insurance, background information
- USDA Risk Management Agency: Cost Estimator, quick estimate/detailed estimate

6. Agricultural Prices, Reports / Data
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Agricultural Prices- monthly: received, paid, and parity prices
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Agricultural Prices- summary: received, paid, and parity prices
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Farm Production Expenditures- annual summary
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Crop Values Annual Summary- annual summary
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market Highlights, weekly
- USDA Economic Research Service: Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, monthly
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: National Grass Fed Beef Report, weekly | wholesale and retail prices
- USDA Foreign Agricultural Service: Grain: World Markets and Trade, monthly
- USDA Economic Research Service: Oil Crops Outlook, monthly
- USDA Foreign Agricultural Service: Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade, monthly
- USDA Economic Research Service: Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: Report, twice annually
- USDA Economic Research Service: Agricultural Projections, 10-year projections


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Production Risk
 - risk associated with the uncertainty around output quantity, quality, or timing

1. Weather Risk
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Current Precipitation
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Last 30 Days' Precipitation [set TIMEFRAME below map]
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Last 60 Days' Precipitation [set TIMEFRAME below map]
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Water Year Precipitation [set TIMEFRAME below map]
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Departure From Normal Precipitation, Last 30 Days
      [select Monthly under ARCHIVE DATA and Departure from Normal under PRODUCT]
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Departure From Normal Precipitation, Annual
      [select Yearly under ARCHIVE DATA and Departure from Normal under PRODUCT]
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Percent of Normal Precipitation, Last 30 Days
      [select Monthly under ARCHIVE DATA and Departure from Normal under PRODUCT]
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Percent of Normal Precipitation, Annual
      [select Yearly under ARCHIVE DATA and Percent of Normal under PRODUCT]
- National Weather Service-Climate Prediction Center: Multiple Outlook Forecasts, National Map
- National Weather Service-Climate Prediction Center: Outlook Maps, Graphs and Tables (INDEX) , National Map
- National Weather Service-Climate Prediction Center: Seasonal Outlooks, National Map

2. Irrigation Risk
- NRCS-Natural Resource Conservation Service: Water Supply Forecasts
- NRCS-Natural Resource Conservation Service: Reservoir Status Reports
- NRCS-Natural Resource Conservation Service: Surface Water Supply Index
- NRCS-Natural Resource Conservation Service: SNOTEL Data
- NOAA-National Weather Service: River Observations
- NOAA-National Weather Service: River Forecasts

3. Drought Risk
- USDA Grass-Cast: Grassland Productivity Forecast
- USDA Rangeland Analysis Platform: RAP and Production Explorer
- US Drought Monitor: Current Map
- US Drought Monitor: Change Map
- US Drought Monitor: Vegetation Drought Response Index - Complete, (dropdown for Rangeland/Crop)
- US Drought Monitor: Vegetation Drought Response Index - Change
- US Drought Monitor: Vegetation Outlook
- US Drought Monitor: Vegetation Drought Response Index - Time Series
- NOAA-National Weather Service: Palmer Drought Severity Index
- NOAA-National Climatic Data Center: Drought
- Intermountain West Climate Dashboard
- Rocky Mountains–High Plains Climate Dashboard
- National Drought Mitigation Center
- High Plains Regional Climate Center
- Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network

4. Yield Protection (Insurance)
- USDA Farm Service Agency: FSA, agency homepage
- USDA Farm Service Agency: Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) web-based decision tool
- USDA Farm Service Agency: Disaster Assistance programs
- USDA Farm Service Agency: Farm Bill programs
- USDA Risk Management Agency: Crop Insurance, background information
- USDA Risk Management Agency: Cost Estimator, quick estimate/detailed estimate
- USDA RMA: Forage Insurance, Rainfall and Vegetation Index background information
- USDA RMA: Forage Insurance, Rainfall and Vegetation Index Grid Locator Tool
- USDA RMA: Forage Insurance, Rainfall Index Decision Support Tool


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Institutional/Legal Risk
 - risk associated with the uncertainty around business structure, contract arrangements, tort liability, or statutory compliance

1. Agencies
- USDA Environmental Protection Agency: EPA, agency homepage
- USDA Farm Service Agency FSA, agency homepage
- USDA Forest Service, agency homepage
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS, agency homepage
- USDA Risk Management Agency RMA, agency homepage
- US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management: BLM, agency homepage
- US Department of Interior, National Park Service, agency homepage
- US Department of Labor: Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), agency homepage
- US Department of Labor: Wage and Hour Division Immigration Programs
- US Internal Revenue Service, IRS, agency homepage

2. Regulation
- USDA Laws and Regulations, listing
- USDA Regulations and Directives, listing

3. Legal
- American Agricultural Law Association
- National Agricultural Law Center

4. Taxes
- US Internal Revenue Service, IRS, agency homepage
- Rural Tax Education


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Human Risk
 - risk associated with the uncertainty around debt capital cost or availability, cash flow capacity, or business ability to increase equity over time

1. Labor
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Farm Labor
- US Department of Labor: MAIN, agency homepage
- US Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), agency homepage
- US Department of Labor: Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), agency homepage
- US Department of Labor: Wage and Hour Division (WHD), homepage
- US Department of Labor: Wage and Hour Division Agricultural Employment
- US Department of Labor: Wage and Hour Division Immigration Programs


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Financial Risk
 - risk associated with the uncertainty around markets and prices for inputs and products

1. Agricultural Credit
- Farm Credit System: FCS, agency homepage
- USDA Farm Service Agency: FSA, agency homepage
- USDA Farm Service Agency: Farm Loan Programs
- US Small Business Administration: SBA, agency homepage

2. Agricultural Economy
- Federal Reserve Bank: Districts Map
- Federal Reserve Bank: Agriculture & Rural Economies, Kansas City Branch
- Federal Reserve Bank: Regional Economy - Agriculture, Minneapolis City Branch
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Agricultural Prices
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Agricultural Census
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Economics and Prices


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A product of the RightRisk Education Team:
Colorado State University & University of Wyoming,
University of Arizona, University of Idaho,
Montana State University, University of Nebraska, Oregon
State University and Utah State University Extension cooperating