Multi-Temporal Risk Analyzer | RightRisk

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MULTI-TEMPORAL RISK ANALYZER can help evaluate agricultural risk management decisions that involve multiple years (up to 20) and include a dimension of risk. Examples include investment decisions, changes in production practices, adding and subtracting enterprises, and other decisions that involve multiple years to come to fruition or a multi-year commitment in order to see a positive economic return.

The Multi-Temporal Risk Analyzer tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge > Analytics.

Federal Reserve Beige Book Summary on the Agricultural Sector

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The Beige Book is a Federal Reserve System publication covering current economic conditions across the 12 Federal Reserve Districts. It characterizes regional economic conditions and prospects based on a variety of mostly qualitative information, gathered directly from District sources. The latest update was posted Wednesday December 2nd.

Click here to learn more…

Understanding Risk In Agriculture

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Understanding Risk in Agriculture is an internet-based module including: 1) Self-study materials covering- What is risk, Does Risk Matter, Can Risk be Managed, What Are Challenges to Managing Risk, When is Risk Analysis Justified, How are Risky Choices Evaluated, How is Risk Included When Making a Decision, and Conclusion. 2) Recorded webinar- Posted presentation slides, Posted Introduction, Posted URIA – the first four segments, Posted URIA – the last three segments, Posted Q&A session; all in video and audio-only formats; 3) eBook document for further study; and many other features.

The Understanding Risk In Agriculture module is available free of charge at > Courses.

Machine Risk Calculator | RightRisk

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MACHINERY costs are a major contributor to total farm production costs. Effective management of machinery cost is essential to maintain profitability in production agriculture. The Machine Risk Calculator is designed to help producers estimate the costs of machinery ownership and operation, as well as assist in assessing the sensitivity of these costs to uncertainty in future input factors.

The Machine Risk Calculator tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge > Analytics.