Evaluating Pasture, Rangeland, Forage – Rainfall Index Coverage

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PASTURE, RANGELAND, FORAGE – Rainfall Index coverage (RI-PRF) is designed to offer protection against revenue losses resulting from decreased forage production, using a rainfall index to indicate low precipitation levels. The Risk Scenario Planning tool from RightRisk.org can, with a little creativity, be used to analyze expected net revenue under an RI-PRF policy. The resulting cumulative distribution graph provides the probability of earning a net return at or below any certain value. With this information in hand we can begin to answer questions like: “How effective is this coverage?” or “How often would it pay?”

For examples using the Risk Scenario Planning tool see Applied Risk Analytics “Evaluating Pasture, Rangeland, Forage – Rainfall Index Coverage” at: RightRisk.org\AppliedRiskAnalytics

The Risk Scenario Planning tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\analytics.

The Enterprise Risk Analyzer is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\analytics. RightRisk.org\Analytics.

USDA Temporarily Suspends Debt Collections

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Due to the national public health emergency caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the temporary suspension of past-due debt collections and foreclosures for distressed borrowers under the Farm Storage Facility Loan and the Direct Farm Loan programs administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA).

Click here to learn more…

Estimating Custom Rates and Machinery Costs

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Machinery and Equipment is often one of the largest expense categories for a farm or ranch operation. Many producers do not know their machinery and equipment cost for a given activity. Some expenses, such as fuel, repair, and other general costs are fairly easy to quantify; calculating individual expenses for a given machine and field activity is more difficult.

Learn more via the APPLIED RISK ANALYTICS series, covering the application of RightRisk Analytics risk analysis tools, available for download at: RightRisk.org/appliedriskanalytics.

Estimating Your Cost of Production

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HAVE you ever tried to estimate your cost of production for enterprises on your farm/ranch? It can be a daunting challenge. The Enterprise Risk Analyzer (ERA) tool can help evaluate farm/ranch enterprise performance, beginning with just an IRS Schedule F.

ERA analysis includes whole farm/ranch net return, enterprise net return, break-even prices, and breakeven yields. ERA also provides risk estimates based on user projections for commodity prices and yields. Providing probability estimates for earning a given level of net income, a break-even price, or a given break-even yield.

The Enterprise Risk Analyzer is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\analytics. RightRisk.org\Analytics.

Enterprise Feasibility

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The Feasibility of Alternative Rural Enterprises course is a two-hour internet-based course covering 1) Agricultural and Rural Enterprises, 2) Selecting and Planning for Alternative Enterprise, and 3) Assessing Risks. Also included are a glossary, resource links for further research, and many other features…

The Enterprise Feasibility course is available free of charge at RightRisk.org > Courses.

Estimating Custom Rates and Machinery Costs

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Machinery and equipment is often one of the largest expense categories for a farm or ranch operation. Many producers do not know their machinery and equipment cost for a given activity. The Machine Risk Calculator from RightRisk.org can help estimate rates for custom field operations and individual machinery costs. The tool will also estimate the risk sensitivity of those costs to changes in various factors. For examples using the tool see Applied Risk Analytics “Estimating Custom Rates and Machinery Costs” at: RightRisk.org\AppliedRiskAnalytics.

The Machine Risk Calculator is a toolbox filled with over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\Analytics.

Taxes for Agricultural Enterprises

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The Taxes for Agricultural Enterprises course is a two-hour internet-based course covering: 1) Definition of a Farm, 2) The Importance of Records, 3) Farm Income, 4) Farm Expenses, and 5) Tax Management. Also included are a glossary resource links for further research, and many other features.

The Taxes for Agricultural Enterprises course is available free of charge at RightRisk.org > Courses.