B&B Insert- April 2013

Graphic of B&B Article
  • UW Extension and the agricultural interests of Wyoming citizens
  • Solanaceae family – Friend and foe to agriculture
  • Preparing for wildfire, dealing with the aftermath
  • Determining Severity of Fire
  • New growing season offers opportunities for considering spectacular flower varieties
  • Proper Financial analysis: a key to business success
  • Distance to markets, regional prices figure into best marketing plan for small lots of calves
  • 2012 herbicide choices plus drought conditions may cause issues in 2013 crop rotations
  • Quality assurance practices by small-acreage producers help ensure quality products, boost consumer confidence
  • Powell Research and Extension Center reports results from spring wheat, barley trials
  • Got a failing lawn? Flowerbed pest? Needle drop? We got that: UW Extension offers horticultural plant diagnostic service
  • Cool-season tall fescue has potential for forage and seed yield production
  • Three dry-land wheat studies over four years yield budgets
  • Wildfires leave stock water issues to consider
  • Here’s a way to enjoy the fruits of your labors Plant, then relish the pies made of fruit from your garden
  • Information helps you prepare for disasters, carry on if happens
  • Tight beef supply, steady demand, drought prime factors driving cattle market
  • Protect against livestock losses from toxic tall larkspur Two ways: Manage around the weed or control it


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