Job Descriptions Why Waste the Time?

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#RightRisk #RiskInAg #AgRiskMgt

The job detailed in a JOB DESCRIPTION allow applicants and employers to exchange job-relevant information.


The format and requirements of the job detailed in the description allow applicants and employers to exchange job-relevant information. Descriptions save time for potential applicants as well as for employers. Job descriptions are also useful in other aspects of farm labor management. They serve as important references when an employee, applicant, or government agency challenges a hiring or other employment decision. It also gives weight to the employer’s judgment as to what functions of a job are essential, especially if stated in a written description prepared for recruitment or selection.

Learn more via the recently completed 4-page, 4-color Ag Help Wanted UPDATE: Job Descriptions Why Waste the Time?

Several Ag Help Wanted updates were recently posted to the website companion for Ag Help Wanted: Guidelines for Managing Agricultural Labor and are available for download at:

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