Getting On Track: Better Management Through Basic Ag Records

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Getting On Track: Better Management Through Basic Ag Records is a two-hour, internet-based course including four vignettes titled: Preserving The Tradition, Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket Get the Max From Your Tax, and 4-H Gone Hog Wild. Other topics covered include: Why keep records?, Basic record keeping 5 easy steps, Keeping production records, Keeping financial records, Schedule-F, Where do I go from here? A glossary, frequently asked questions, and resource links are provided, along with example records systems and much more…

The Basic Ag Records course is available free of charge at > Courses.

Risk Navigator | RightRisk

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RISK NAVIGATOR and associated Strategic Risk Management Process outline a 10-step risk management program. A self-guided Strategic Risk Management 101 course is available on the companion website. In addition, the Risk Navigator tool box offers an extensive risk management library of over 20 risk tools. The tools help to accomplish the planning and analysis needed to complete each step of the Strategic Risk Management Process.

Risk Navigator tools are available for download, free of charge at:\RiskNavigator.

Enterprise Risk Analysis

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Enterprise Risk Analysis is an internet-based course including: 1) Self-study materials covering- What is an Enterprise, What is Risk, What is Risk Management, How is Risk Managed, Risk Management Process, Establishing Context, Enterprise Assessment, Risk Analysis, Risk Evaluation, Treatment Implementation, Case Study: Everett Ball Ranch, Case Study: Wilson Ranch, Resource links for further research. 2) Recorded webinar; 3) eBook document for further study; and many other features.

The Enterprise Risk Analysis course is available free of charge at > Courses.

RDFinancial | RightRisk

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RDFinancial is a risk analysis tool designed to help understand financial statements and how they interact to provide a measure of financial business position and performance. The primary purpose is to provide opportunities to discuss financial analysis in an easy to use and understand format. Online video and audio clips provide an overview of RDFinancial and several examples of how to use RDFinancial to illustrate financial management concepts.

RDFinancial tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge > Analytics.

Risk Scenario Planning

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Risk Scenario Planning: Evaluating Risk and Risk Management Strategies is a two-hour, internet-based course with topics covering: An Introduction to Risk, Risk Strategies, Case Study: Gates Creek Land & Livestock, Case Study: Big Country Farms, Case Study: Bell Livestock, Case Study: Z-F Ranch, Risk Scenario Planning Tool Overview, Expectations About the Future, Risk Management Framework, resource links for further research, and many other features.

The Risk Scenario Planning course is available free of charge at > Courses.

Multi-Temporal Risk Analyzer | RightRisk

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MULTI-TEMPORAL RISK ANALYZER can help evaluate agricultural risk management decisions that involve multiple years (up to 20) and include a dimension of risk. Examples include investment decisions, changes in production practices, adding and subtracting enterprises, and other decisions that involve multiple years to come to fruition or a multi-year commitment in order to see a positive economic return.

The Multi-Temporal Risk Analyzer tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge > Analytics.

Understanding Risk In Agriculture

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Understanding Risk in Agriculture is an internet-based module including: 1) Self-study materials covering- What is risk, Does Risk Matter, Can Risk be Managed, What Are Challenges to Managing Risk, When is Risk Analysis Justified, How are Risky Choices Evaluated, How is Risk Included When Making a Decision, and Conclusion. 2) Recorded webinar- Posted presentation slides, Posted Introduction, Posted URIA – the first four segments, Posted URIA – the last three segments, Posted Q&A session; all in video and audio-only formats; 3) eBook document for further study; and many other features.

The Understanding Risk In Agriculture module is available free of charge at > Courses.

Machine Risk Calculator | RightRisk

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MACHINERY costs are a major contributor to total farm production costs. Effective management of machinery cost is essential to maintain profitability in production agriculture. The Machine Risk Calculator is designed to help producers estimate the costs of machinery ownership and operation, as well as assist in assessing the sensitivity of these costs to uncertainty in future input factors.

The Machine Risk Calculator tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge > Analytics.

Evaluating Risk Management Strategies

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RISK management strategies are generally designed to do one of four things: 1. avoid the risk; 2. transfer the risk outside the business; 3. control the risk within the business or 4. accept the risk as a part of doing business.

One of the main benefits of a strategy is that it forces you to identify what you are trying to accomplish, to think about how you will measure progress, and how you will evaluate how well the strategy is working overall.

Results are important, but even good risk management strategies don’t come with guarantees. Strategies can fail for a number of reasons. Sadly, one of the most common reasons strategies fail is the lack of commitment to the strategy across time.

The Evaluating Risk Strategies course is available free of charge at: RightRisk > Courses.

Enterprise Risk Analyzer via RightRisk Analytics

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MOST of today’s farms and ranches involve more than one enterprise. Production risk spread over several enterprises often contributes to their financial successes. Enterprise risk analysis – estimating net returns for an enterprise and the variability in those returns (risk) – is an often-neglected, but necessary part of developing an overall risk management strategy.

The Enterprise Risk Analyzer tool was developed to help the livestock owner and the land owner understand all the contributions each of them have made to their livestock grazing lease arrangement. It can be used to help design a fair and equitable lease between two parties. It can also be used by a single party to better understand the full set of components that contribute value to their forage resource.

The Enterprise Risk Analyzer via RightRisk Analytics tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge\Analytics.