¿Cuáles son los requisitos para conseguir visa de Estados Unidos para trabajadores agrícolas?

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A CITIZEN of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, unless a visa is not required for individuals from that country of nationality. The visa is placed in the traveler’s passport, a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizen­ship. Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa, if they meet the requirements for visa-free travel. The type of visa a person must obtain is defined by U.S. immigration law and relates to the purpose of travel. Learn more via the 4-page, 4-color Ag Help Wanted UPDATE: ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para conseguir visa de Estados Unidos para trabajadores agrícolas

Ag Help Wanted updates are available for download at: AgHelpWanted.org\Updates.

Estimating Custom Rates and Machinery Costs

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Machinery and equipment is often one of the largest expense categories for a farm or ranch operation. Many producers do not know their machinery and equipment cost for a given activity. The Machine Risk Calculator from RightRisk.org can help estimate rates for custom field operations and individual machinery costs. The tool will also estimate the risk sensitivity of those costs to changes in various factors. For examples using the tool see Applied Risk Analytics “Estimating Custom Rates and Machinery Costs” at: RightRisk.org\AppliedRiskAnalytics.

The Machine Risk Calculator is a toolbox filled with over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\Analytics.

Problem Work Situations via Ag Help Wanted

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PROBLEM WORK SITUATIONS: WORKING WITH EMPLOYEES offers nine sets of brief vignettes that illustrate approaches to one-on-one communication in problem work situations. Each includes one scene showing an apparent personnel problem and three scenes showing possible supervisory responses to it, including: Tardiness, Slow Work, Inebriation, Poor Quality Work, Theft, Conflict Between Workers, Insubordination, Sleeping on the Job, and Careless Work. A 3-part guide offers further insights via Rules and Reason for Managing Farm Personnel.

Learn more via Video Links at Ag Help Wanted.org.

RightRisk Analytics via recorded presentations

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Evaluating risk management alternatives can be challenging, especially without the right tools. The RightRisk Team has been working for nearly 20 years to develop the right tools to assist managers of agricultural operations to make the best decisions, even when the information at hand is incomplete or difficult to interpret. Each tool includes a written guide to help get started. Some have dedicated online courses or videos outlining their use and application. This online presentation will explore the tools currently available and the general approach followed for each.

Access the presentation at: RightRisk.org\presentations (22 mins.)

RightRisk Analytics is a toolbox filled with over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\Analytics.

¿Cuál es la Ley de Normas Justas de Trabajo en agricultura y cómo se aplica a mí?

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The FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments. The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces the FLSA with respect to private employment, state and local government employment, and federal employees. Learn more via the 4-page, 4-color Ag Help Wanted UPDATE: ¿Cuál es la Ley de Normas Justas de Trabajo en agricultura y cómo se aplica a mí?

Ag Help Wanted updates are available for download at: AgHelpWanted.org\Updates.

Evaluating Lease Agreements via RightRisk Analytics

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LEASING or renting pasture or forage is commonplace for many livestock producers. The Forage Risk Analyzer tool, from RightRisk.org, is a tool designed to help a single or multiple parties (up to six) understand the full value of everything involved in a potential lease and formulate a more fair and equitable agreement. For examples using the tool see Applied Risk Analytics “Evaluating Lease Arrangements” at RightRisk.org\AppliedRiskAnalytics

The Forage Risk Analyzer tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\Analytics.

Recorded Presentations from RightRisk.org

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RECORDED PRESENTATIONS from a number of webinars and other presentations offered by members of the RightRisk Education Team are available. Titles cover a range of topics from Understanding Risk, Evaluating Risk Strategies and Enterprise Risk Analysis, to Master Marketer, Drought Contingency Planning and Master Hay Grower programs. RightRisk.org offers links to Risk Controls, Risk Analytics, online courses and much more . . .

Recorded presentations covering risk management in agriculture are available free of charge at: RightRisk.org > Presentations.

Evaluating LRP Coverage via RightRisk Analytics

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LIVESTOCK RISK PROTECTION (LRP) insurance is designed to help manage livestock market price risk. The Risk Scenario Planning tool can, with a little creativity, be used to analyze expected net revenue under an LRP policy. The resulting cumulative distribution graph provides the probability of earning a net return at or below any certain value. With this information in hand we can begin to answer questions like: “How effective is this coverage?” or “How often would it pay?” See the RSP Guide for this and other examples.

The Risk Scenario Planning tool is one of over 30 individual risk analysis tools developed by RightRisk and available free of charge at: RightRisk.org\Analytics.

Ag Help Wanted: Guidelines for Managing Agricultural Labor

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A full-color, 250-page book presenting principles, practical examples, legal considerations, and leads to more references in six main chapters: 1. Roles and Responsibilities of an Agricultural Employer, 2. Organizational Planning, 3. Staffing the Farm Business, 4. Supervising Agricultural Work, 5. Managing Employee Performance, 6. Communication and Problem Solving. The companion website, provides supplementary material online, as well as Problem Work Situations: Working With Employees – a series of nine sets of brief vignettes that illustrate approaches to one-on-one communication in problem situations.

See Ag Help Wanted online or to order a copy at: RightRisk.org\AgHelpWanted.

Risk Navigator | RightRisk

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RISK NAVIGATOR and associated Strategic Risk Management Process outline a 10-step risk management program. A self-guided Strategic Risk Management 101 course is available on the companion website. In addition, the Risk Navigator tool box offers an extensive risk management library of over 20 risk tools. The tools help to accomplish the planning and analysis needed to complete each step of the Strategic Risk Management Process.

Risk Navigator tools are available for download, free of charge at: RightRisk.org\RiskNavigator.